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Client Projects


Clients: China Telecoms, Strategy&, BCG, Astro, Civil Service College International, Setia Berhad, 1 Group,OECD, Franchising and Licensing Association Singapore, Association of Small Medium Enterprises, LCH Quantity Surveyor, Mandailink Logistics, RHT Consulting Asia, Thailand Ministry of Agriculture, Myanmar Ministry of Small Medium Enterprises (inexhaustive)


Revenue Growth and Monetization

Client faces stagnating revenue but increasing cost and dwindling margin. Charges vulnerable group for training fees, but could not breakeven even with Government Grants

Project :
i. Identified areas of revenue leakages: e.g. vulnerable group learn bakery and cookies were thrown away
ii. Integrating areas of revenue and business model: e.g. transform training facilities to a social enterprise with revenue, design brand and sell cookies which trainees baked
iii.Establish social enterprise employing vulnerable groups e.g. set up a cafe with vulnerable group as kitchen and service staff
iv. Commercialize social enterprises comprising of fusion concept of Cafe, Branding and package of cookies, provide commercial catering
v. Attain business sustainability with Social Enterprise as profiable, vulnerable group is paid a wage which is 4x the training fees expenditures, and social enterprise acted as a demonstration site for employment of vulnerable groups.

Innovation, Ideation and Incubation

Client industry has been heavily disrupted by agile competitors. Conservative culture and traditional thinking permeates the management ranks. As there is a Group Think syndrome, many innovative ideas were vetoed within the culture.

i. Strategic planning workshop done with the senior management on their 3-5 year vision.
ii. Convening a SWOT Team comprising of high-potential and promising staff to brainstorm with external startup entrepreneurs so there is a cross pollination of ideas.
iii. SWOT Team will to construct business plans with close mentorship and incubation of innovative ideas
iv. Shortlist the best 2-3 ideas in incubation to be spun off as a separate startup or joint venture
v. Monetize on the best business plan and ideas

Disrupting Competitive Disruptors

Client is heavily disrupted by competitors on internet and losing market shares rapidly

Project :
i. Strategic Planning with senior management on short to mid-term vision
ii. Analyse Competitor's business model, technologies, enablers and market shares
iii. Survey Competitors landscape, SWOT and strategic values
iv. Design M&A objectives of identified Competitors
v. Mount offensive acquisition of synergistic Competitors

Internationalization and Market Access

Client needs to expand to international market fast but with low cost

i. Analysis of International Markets and Customer Segment
ii. Systemize Current Operations and Process for Franchising
iii. Extract Intellectual Properties, Brand, Contents Supplies and Business model
iv. Systemize Franchise, legal and revenue share framework
v. Replicate businesses and source out franchisees overseas

Strategic Digital Marketing

Client reaches a plateau with fixed margin and stagnating revenue

i. Leverage on Strategic Digital Marketing to acquire new customers
ii. Segmenting Customers according to Gen X, Y, Z, Millennials
ii. Assertive Marketing Campaign using Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Youtube
iii. Funneling new customers and design call to action and campaign structure
iv. Design KPI to monitor website and marketing performance
v. Structure Tactical Retention of Customers
vi. Design Digital Dashboard to monitor Life Time Value, Cost of Customer Acquisition etc