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APAC Insider - Most Influential Sustainable Business CEO in South East Asia

Comments by Victor Tay for winning the coveted "Most Influential Sustainable Business CEO in ASEAN" awards nominated by a UK-based awards organization.

Deeply humbled by the awards for influencing and promoting Sustainability in #SouthEastAsia which is home to 680m population.
At Global Catalyst Advisory (www.globalcatalystadvisory.com), our mission is enshrined in our tagline, "Sustainability Catalysed"

1. Environmental Technologies -
Was walking down memory aisle with my first interaction with sustainability movement when I was establishing the Environment and Engineering Services industry cluster at Enterprise Singapore in 2005 to groom local enterprises across alternative energy, wastemanagement, waterpurification (UV, reverse osmosis, membrane, water desalination). Then Kyoto Protocol was newly ractified as the most significant environmental treaty. To catalyse more local environmental technologies adoption, I have established, financed and chaired the @Environmental Center of Innovation at Ngee Ann Polytechnic as shared research facilities for local enterprises. Then KyotoProtocol was just ractified and #carbontrading was at its nascent stage.

2. Establishing Sustainability Ecosystem -
At the national chamber, Singapore Business Federation, my colleague and I had established the Singapore Sustainability Alliance (SSA) which comprises of triplehelixmodel of Government, Universities and Industry Associations to effect a tighter Innovation value chain from university research, industry adoption with government grants and support. Concurrently, we congregate the sustainability community into a 400+ enterprises strong Sustainable Development Business Group (SDBG). To ensure a virtuous cycle of Innovation, we inaugurated the Singapore Sustainability Awards to recognize excellence amongst business community.

3. CSR and Vulnerability -
However Sustainability is not about Innovation or Economic development alone, a holistic #triplebottomline will require focus on People, Planet and Profit. I have then promoted #CSR, Sustainable Reporting through United Nations Global Compact with a focus on the vulnerable groups as beneficiaries. Advancing the cause to support vulnerable groups, I chaired the Association for Persons with Special Needs (APSN) which operates 5 schools with 400 staff catering to 1500 special needs from 7-62 years old. We established a social enterprises of vertical farm, farm-to-plate concept cafe and bakery to give financial independence to special needs, while entasking them as abled workforces to F&B and Retail enterprises like Uniqlo, KFC, Macdonald's, Swensens, Hans etc. Sustainability Development is multifaceted with 17 #SDGs prompted by UN. Post #ParisAgreement and Cop26, the global Sustainability movement had progressed. Thanks to all our partners, colleagues and clients who had made this sustainability journey possible. While we are deeply humbled by the awards, our collaborative journey has only just commenced.

Most Innovative Strategy Consultancy CEO of the Year 2024
APAC Business Innovation Excellence Awards

Comments by Victor Tay for winning the coveted "Most Innovative Strategy Consultancy CEO of the Year 2024" and "APAC Business Innovation Excellence Awards" awards nominated by UK-based APAC Insider.

Deeply humbled by the honour of double awards for Global Catalyst Advisory and myself especially with these phrases that resonate with our hearts "Innovative Strategy" and "Business Innovation Excellence".

At Global Catalyst Advisory, our mission is enshrined in our tagline, "Sustainability Catalysed".
But in a VUCA world, which is much constrained by trade wars, inequitable social policies, inflationary costs, catalysing sustainability is increasingly challenging. Global Catalyst Advisory has to go against the grain of industry norm to leverage on innovative technologies to ensure security and transparency. In this aspect, We have demonstrated with our integrative deployment of Web3 technologies, IOT equipments, blockchain mechanism to secure high-quality carbon credits and climate change projects. Thanks to our clients, strategic partners and colleagues who have this unwavering belief in the "triple-P" concept that we should not only save the earth (planet), reduce carbon emission, but also ensure equitability of the farmers' (people) shares in the financial gain (profit).

I have learned where God uses the most unlikely, everyday hero, like David, a shepherd, to defeat the monstrosity and towering problems like Goliath. Daily, I reminded myself to search for small prints left by God as solutions to ready societal challenges. While chairing Global Compact at the United Nations, I learned about natural pairing by housing retired villages with childcare centers that provide a symbiotic effect of senior citizens’ love, attention, and care with affection yearning for children. Also, in agriculture, I learned that farm discharge and wastes can be treated as closed-loop resources to resolve water, fertilizer, and energy issues. It is usually when humans abuse nature’s pairing that results in environmental abuse and resource wastage”. He pointed out that many business intelligence and data mining had revealed systematic patterns and affinity pairing in solution implementation. “It is not unusual that many innovators and scientists have drawn creative solutions from nature’s system and harmony

Excellence in Financial Leadership Award

Victor Tay, CEO of Global Catalyst Advisory, commented, "I am most humbled to receive the "Excellence for Financial Leadership Awards" in Dubai from US-based FiNext Awards and Conference (financial specialist).

"Despite not commencing with a financial career, I am privileged that FiNext recognises my contributions across my life career across Government/NGO/UN/Charity utilising finance as an enabler to effect greater societal contribution and empower the v ulnerable groups. Especially in developing:
1. financial programmes to help small medium enterprises (smes),
2. publicprivatepartnership blending Government grants with corporate finances for impact investments
3. creative business model, social enterprises and financial framework to empower the vulnerable group and charity industry,
4. investment Banking practice focusing on merger and acquisitions, as well as, capital raising for companies at various stages​

Thanks to past my organizations and colleagues, am privileged to be given the opportunities to support and uplift different individuals who had crossed my career path for past decades."

CEO Views - Top 30 Innovation Excellence Award

Victor Tay, CEO of Global Catalyst Advisory, commented, "Many businesses were disrupted as they overly emphasized financial gain that it ceased to provide value. We believe that all successful and sustainable businesses must fulfill the equilibrium of preserving the planet, fulfilling people's expectations while generating profit as a synergistic outcome."

World's Leaders - World's Dynamic CEO Making Impact in the World

The US-based Magazine highlighted, "Victor Tay, Chief Catalyst and CEO of Global Catalyst Advisory, graced the cover of World's Leaders Magazine as one of the World's Dynamic CEOs Making a Global Footprint. As a versatile and innovative CXO specializing in Investment Banking, Victor Tay is renowned for his proficiency in new practice development and groundbreaking initiatives across Greater China and South East Asia. Victor’s diverse skill set evolved from his early days as a Strategy Consultant with the Big 4 specialising in deep technology sector. Post strategy consulting career, he has also listed a tech firm at Nasdaq during the dotcom era. While with the Singapore government, Victor was the Group Director overseeing the economic development of key technology industries, namely, Biomedical, Chemical, Aerospace, Marine, Oil and Gas, Environmental, Logistics and Engineering Services. He was instrumental in developing a globally competitive company programme to help uplift the internationalization efforts of Singapore local enterprises.

With an extensive background, Victor has held positions on multiple public and private sector boards, as well as national-level committee boards covering areas such as sustainability, economics, data privacy, environmental protection, and manpower. His contributions extend to syndicating ventures, finances, and funds for various companies, projects, and equity financing for start-ups. As the Chief Catalyst and Founder of Global Catalyst Advisory (GBA), Victor plays a pivotal role in driving transformative initiatives.

Notably, Victor Tay chaired the United Nations Global Compact NS, advocating for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ESG issues. Addressing the challenges in sustainability, he highlighted the inequities in global efforts, emphasizing the need for a more technology-driven mechanism to ensure fair rewards for all stakeholders, especially those at the lower echelons. Victor’s commitment to addressing climate change and promoting equitable practices underscores his leadership in the realm of sustainable development."

Brands for Good Awards - Community Empowerment

Victor Tay, CEO of Global Catalyst Advisory, commented, "Our Mission is that our children and their future generation has a secured future, so that their generation looking back at our generation recognizing that we have done our part in restoring climate justice".

Green Asia Innovative Leadership (GAIL) Awards:
1. Sustainability GameChanger Award
2. Sustainability Innovator Award

Caption: Victor Tay, CEO of Global Catalyst Advisory Receiving Awards from ER Edwin Khew, Chairman, Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore (SEAS)

26th June 2019, The Sentosa Golf Club

Deeply humbled and honored to receive the RHT RMF Green Asia Initiative Leadership (GAIL) Sustainability Awards in 2 categories:
1. GameChanger and
2. Innovation.
Global Catalyst Advisory was conceived with the philosophy - "Towards a Better World". We shortlist project that balances the triple bottom line of People, Planet, Profit.
Thanks to RHT and Senior Minister of State Amy Khor.

Awards Citation

Profile: Game Changer
Global Catalyst Advisory started with its founders upholding a strong belief and philosophies of balancing business objectives of profit while having strong stewardship to the society and accountability to the planet and people - a triple bottom line.

With a unique background from the Consultancy, Business Chamber, Economic Agencies and Global University which have a deep insights on macro-economics and pragmatic business issues, the firm balances its incisive business acumen with the sustainability focus, while championing the needs of vulnerable groups.

Having footprints across Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Tianjin, it provides a Game changing paradigm to how business should operate with a social mission in the 21st century.

Caption: Celebratory photo with (from right) Trade Counselor - Embassy of Spain, Executive Director - Franchise Licensing Association of Singapore, CEO - ASEAN CSR, Director - IQVM, CEO - Global Catalyst, Executive Director - Clubheal, Director - PETC, President - Singapore Digital Chamber Of Commerce, Founder - EdAlliance and MyGym, Founder and Managing Director - 1 Group, Founder and Chairman - Jason Group Limited (at left)

Impromptu Acceptance Speech

SMS Dr Amy Khor
Founder of RHT, Rajan Menon
Managing Director of RHT, Tan Chong Huat

1. Our Background
I had my background in sustainability consulting across profit, planet and people in my early years:
- Profit - big 4 strategic consulting with KPMG, Coopers and Lybrand, PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Planet - industry development for environmental sector in SPRING and Ministry of Trade and Industry
- People - chairing a 1500 student strength at association for persons with Special needs

2. Our Philosophy
When we first conceived Global Catalyst, we had the Tagline - Towards a Better Tomorrow My investment banking partners queried, "how can profit, planet, people be mixed and balanced?"

That the panel of judges have given us this awards, it is a strong endorsement to our belief.

2.Global Issues for Transformation
At Global Catalyst Advisory, we ponder over pertinent societal issues:
Can we resolve food security issues?
Can we stop rural migration to urban cities and preserve farmers interests?
Can community be built on low-cost or waste-land?
Can charity be financially independent?
Can special needs have a dignified job?

Many tell us, it cannot be done!

a. Charity
What did we do? We conceive
I. Vertical green
II. Bakery
Iii. Cafe
By employing our special needs individuals, we give them skills, pay them wage, show to their prospective employers they are employable. And we provide technologies so our special needs have an edge against the foreign workers. Concurrently, we foster social integration amongst special needs at our cafe as we serve across value chain of vertical green, bakery and cafe from farm-to-plate.
Ultimately we demonstrate that charity can be sustainable and special needs can have a dignified job with financial independence.

b. Agriculture
Other global questions we ponder are
How do you build community in waste-land, can farmers ? Critique tells us, Don't even try.

What we did, we establish
- vertical farm
- racks
- farm
- poultry fertilizer
- water aquatic farm
a circular economy to low-cost but high-yield agriculture. We build accommodation for farmers, sustain their families, distribute their products to restaurants, and use blockchain to preserve their profits.

As the farmers thrive, the family standard of living is uplifted. The community grow on low cost rural land. And with the racks, they could have microfinancing, agriculture grows, the community propers further.

4. Our Motivation
Why do we pursue these goals?
It is under constraint that mankind maximize our potential and derive innovative solutions.

Why do we attempt to resolve these issues:
- so that our children and their future generations have a secured future

- so that the future generation looks back at our generation, recognizing we are the one who make a difference in reversing climate change.
Thank you. Allow me to dedicate these awards to all of you - you make a difference in our future

Green Asia Innovative Leadership Awards

26th June 2019, The Sentosa Golf Club


-Sustainability Innovator Award
-Sustainability Gamechanger Award

for going above and beyond in your eforts to champion sustainable development